Worship at New Providence Presbyterian Church
Our worship community is a place to celebrate all kinds of musical artists. We offer both Traditional and Contemporary Worship services and opportunities. Join us as we breathe in Christ’s call to respond in worship and joyfully live it out together. Here you will find creative opportunities to put the gifts God has given you to His good work!
Contemporary Worship

In worship we show our love of God through our praises and learn to know Him better through the scriptures in the lyrics of our songs. Can you sing or play an instrument well, and do you feel called to serve His people in contemporary worship? If so, we’d love to talk to you about the next steps. Please contact Jennifer Gong - jgong@thecornernj.com or Audrey Del Campo - adelcampo@thecornernj.com. We’d love to get to know you!
Traditional Worship

The choir sings and helps facilitate worship at the Traditional service on Sunday mornings, as well as seasonal services and other events throughout the year. We sing choral music in a wide variety of styles, from medieval to modern. New members, including High School students, are always welcome to join us.
Bell Choir
Interested in joining our Bell Choir? It's a short-term commitment and new ringers are invited to join us! Prior experience is not necessary, but basic music reading skills are helpful. Contact Linda Langstaff at llangstaff@thecornernj.com for more info.
Miscellaneous Musicians and More!
• Instrumentalists - we welcome a variety of instruments to enhance our worship and add new sounds to our songs of praise. If you play an instrument and are interested in sharing your musical gifts in worship, we look forward to hearing from you!
• Singers - Do you like to sing, but are unable to make a weekly commitment to sing with the choir? We have a place for you on an occasional basis!
• Readers - Share your love for Scripture by serving as a reader in the worship service on a rotating basis.
Please contact Linda Langstaff, Director of Traditional Worship, for more information about any of these opportunities.
Meet our Director of Traditional Worship
Linda has been involved with music at NPPC in various capacities over the years and is excited to now serve as Director of Traditional Worship. Previously she directed the handbell choirs at Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church and was Director of Music/Organist at Union Village United Methodist Church in Berkeley Heights/Warren. Linda pursued a graduate degree in Music Theory and Composition at the University of Maryland. Her goal at NPPC is to facilitate meaningful and memorable worship and provide opportunities for everyone to participate.

Got questions?
If you have further questions concerning our different Worship Ministry opportunities? Simply fill out the form below to get in touch with us!