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Adult Small Groups

A list of current adult small groups

Men's Groups

Wednesday Morning Men’s Group

7AM 200A

We do weekly Bible Studies with rotating leadership. The leader each week provides coffee and bagels for those participating. The new study will be the Gospel of John. Contact Don Williamson for more information at

Wednesday Men’s Group

8:00AM Prayer Tower

Informal discussion giving insight into the implications of our faith in Jesus Christ. Currently studying Francis Chan's book, Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit. Contact Mik Williams at for more information.

Prime Time Prayers - Retired Men

8AM Thursdays 200A

Men’s Bible study group using commercially available DVD lecture series of 6 to 12 weeks duration taught by distinguished ordained speakers. Contact Franco Garcia or Warren Braunwarth for more information.

Saturday Men’s Group

7AM Virtual

Weekly Bible studies with rotating leadership. Currently studying the Gospel of Luke. Contact Don Williamson at for more information and/or a meeting invitation.

Women's Groups

Moms in Prayer International

  • Mondays 10 AM Prayer Tower -- praying moms with children upper elementary through college/career including Korean and Portuguese speakers. Contact: Lorie Acciarito (
  • Tuesdays 9:15AM Prayer Tower -- praying moms with children preschool through middle school including homeschoolers. Contact: Autumn Hobbs (
  • Sundays 7:00PM in the Wenman Room. Contact: Lorie Acciarito (

Bad Girls of the Bible 

2nd & 4th Tuesdays 7:30PM 300A 

We will begin a new study of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. We welcome new women at any time. Contact Denise Neuwirth ( to join the group.

Tapestry Women's Bible Study

Tuesdays 7:15PM 100AB

Tapestry is our longstanding women’s Bible study program with about a dozen small groups that meet weekly from September to May. All groups will begin the week of September 13. This year Tapestry is studying Philippians by Lydia Brownback. Contact Carol Williamson for more information (

Yarns of Hope

2nd Wednesday 7:30PM Wenman Room

Members knit and crochet shawls, lap blankets, hats and mittens to give to those needing comfort.

Contact Emma Grant ( for more information.

Ladies Bible Study

8:30AM Thursdays 300A

Coffee and conversation followed by Bible study. Contact Judy Campbell ( for more information.

Third Thursday Circle

10AM, 3rd Thursdays Wenman Room

This group meets once a month for fellowship and Bible study. Prayer requests are shared also. New members welcome. Contact Jan Schryer ( for more information.

Beth Moore Study Group

Every other Friday 9:30AM 300A - starts Sept. 13

This year we are studying James is doing James by Beth Moore followed by Philippians by Beth Moore. Contact Courtney Reed ( for more information. Childcare available with advance notice.

Soul Nourishment

Friday 9:30AM Wenman Room - starts Sept. 13

This group will be doing a year long study on Revelations using the study guide “The End of the Beginning” by Virginia Ann Work. Contact Sharon Luckshire ( or Debbie Adamus ( if interested

Groups For All/Sunday School for Adults


Sundays 10:15AM Wenman Room

Streams will begin a new ten-week series by R.C. Sproul on March 23rd called Justified by Faith Alone. Dr. R.C. Sproul was founder of Ligonier Ministries, and first president of Reformation Bible College. He was author of more than one hundred books, including The Holiness of GodChosen by God, and Everyone’s a Theologian. He was recognized throughout the world for his articulate defense of the inerrancy of Scripture and the need for God’s people to stand with conviction upon His Word. Please contact Ned McDonald ( with any questions.

Tuesday Night Study and Fellowship

Tuesdays7:30PM Basking Ridge.

The group studies a book of the Bible using study guides by different authors. Each study is 8-10 weeks. Contact Mary Anne Eggert ( for more information. Open to couples and singles.

ESL - English as a Second Language - Virtual

The classes use ESL textbooks to teach English. Currently, we’re using the Step By Step series and the True Stories series. We also have conversation classes.. Email for more information.

Dinner for 8

Small groups of couples and singles meet 3-4 times a year at homes to share food, fun and fellowship. Time and date vary according to each group's availability. Sign up by contacting Judy Walz at Groups will be formed by


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